Family Law
My Approach
Family Law is a combination of listening and informing while understanding that this is your world and my job is to help the Court see why more time with you is in your child's best interest.
First Step
When "Where did we go wrong" becomes "What do I do now"... The first step is to consider these questions:
Might marriage counseling with a pastor or private counselor help?
How can you create a safe world for your child amidst your broken world?
Who will stay in the family home, and how much compensation does the moving party deserve?
Helpful Tips
Helpful tips when considering a dissolution of your marriage:
Acquire as much of your spouse's recent financial information (i.e. pay stubs, taxes, and retirement account statements) before they see a lawyer.
Increase and document the time you spend with your child(ren).
Think about a few people close to the situation, and what they will be willing to say in writing, and live your life like your adversaries are recording it on paper.
What to Bring
What to bring to an interview with me:
Your story
Recent pay stubs (your spouse's too if you can).
Your checkbook (It's a free consult, but if you decide to retain it benefits us both).
Frequently Asked Questions
What is "local court rule?"
A standard parenting plan issued in Clark County calls for the non--custodial parent to have visitation every other weekend from 6 p.m. Friday to 6 p.m. Sunday with a mid-week evening visit for dinner.
How many months/years of spousal maintenance is ordered in a typical case?​
In a case of significant income disparity, the higher-paid spouse will likely be ordered to pay one year of "maintenance" for every five years of marriage.
What does "community property" mean?
Most assets or debts acquired during a marriage are considered community property and are to be equitably (i.e. fairly) divided. However, even "separate" property is before the Court for division.